Joint PPPL-Simons Summer School:
“Stellarator Optimization”
August 17-21, 2020

This virtual summer school, which is supported jointly by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and the Simons Foundation Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, will provide an introduction to stellarators with primary focus on stellarator optimization for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in applied mathematics, computer science, fluid dynamics, and plasma physics. The course will be mostly self-contained, and no previous background in fusion or plasma physics is needed. The emphasis of the course will be on mathematical and physical foundations of optimization methods for designing stellarators. The lecturers of the course are drawn from members of the Simons Foundation Collaboration on “Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy.”
The lectures will be given online and video-recorded versions will also be made available for the benefit of students who may not always be able to attend the live lectures. The schedule will include some problem-solving sessions and a computer laboratory. Students will have an opportunity to present and discuss their research in short presentations. There is no cost to attend this summer school.
The application deadline has passed and is now closed.