2019 Summer School Overview

Joint PPPL/Simons Summer School:
"Introduction to Stellarators"

August 19-23, 2019


This summer school, which is supported jointly by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and the Simons Foundation Collaboration in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, will provide an introduction to stellarators for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in applied mathematics, computer science, fluid dynamics, and plasma physics. The course will be mostly self-contained, and no previous background in fusion or plasma physics is needed. The emphasis of the course will be on mathematical and physical foundations of stellarators, and in addressing optimization methods for designing stellarators. The lecturers of the course are drawn from members of the Simons Foundation Collaboration on “Hidden Symmetries and Fusion Energy.” 

The lectures will be given at the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science. The lecture schedule includes problem-solving sessions by students and a computer lab at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Students will have an opportunity to present and discuss their research in a poster session (optional).

The application deadline is July 1, 2019.

Important Dates

Applications open: June 1, 2019
Applications close: July 1, 2019
Acceptance responses: July 15, 2019
Summer School: August 19-23