
* partially supported by Simons Foundation

7 Publications
Applied Filters: First Letter Of Title: A Reset


Journal of Plasma Physics, Vol. 88, Oct 2020, 905880106
Journal Article

Adjoint methods can speed up stellarator optimisation by providing gradient information more efficiently compared with finite-difference evaluations. Adjoint methods are herein applied to vacuum magnetic fields, with objective functions targeting quasi-symmetry and a rotational transform value on a surface. To measure quasi-symmetry, a novel…

* Partially Supported

The Floquet exponents of periodic field lines are studied through the variations of the magnetic action on the magnetic axis, which is assumed to be elliptical. The near-axis formalism developed by Mercier, Solov’ev and Shafranov is combined with a Lagrangian approach. The on-axis Floquet exponent is shown to coincide with the on-axis…

* Partially Supported
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 54, Mar 2021, 125202
Journal Article

In a strong, inhomogeneous magnetic field, charged particle dynamics may be studied in the guiding-centre approximation, which is known to be Hamiltonian. When the magnetic field is quasisymmetric, the first-order guiding-centre (FGC) Hamiltonian structure admits a continuous symmetry, and therefore a conserved quantity in addition to the…

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 54, Mar 2021, 125202
Journal Article

In a strong, inhomogeneous magnetic field, charged particle dynamics may be studied in the guiding-centre approximation, which is known to be Hamiltonian. When the magnetic field is quasisymmetric, the first-order guiding-centre (FGC) Hamiltonian structure admits a continuous symmetry, and therefore a conserved quantity in addition to the…

* Partially Supported

A first-order model is derived for quasisymmetric stellarators where the vacuum field due to coils is dominant, but plasma-current-induced terms are not negligible and can contribute to magnetic differential equations, with β of the order of the ratio of induced to vacuum fields. Under these assumptions, it is proven that the aspect ratio must…

* Partially Supported

A first-order model is derived for quasisymmetric stellarators where the vacuum field due to coils is dominant, but plasma-current-induced terms are not negligible and can contribute to magnetic differential equations, with β of the order of the ratio of induced to vacuum fields. Under these assumptions, it is proven that the aspect ratio must…

* Partially Supported

Quasisymmetry (QS), a hidden symmetry of the magnetic field strength, is known to support nested flux surfaces and provide superior particle confinement in stellarators. In this work, we study the ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equilibrium and stability of high-beta plasma in a large-aspect-ratio stellarator. In particular, we show that the…

* Partially Supported