Michael O’Neil

Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office Phone
New York University, New York City, NY

Yale University, New Haven, CT; Applied Mathematics; Ph.D., 2007


Mike O’Neil is Associate Professor of Mathematics at the Courant Institute at NYU. The main areas of his research include analysis-based fast algorithms, scientific computing, computational PDE and integral equations, and numerical analysis. Recently, O’Neil has been focused on constructing solvers for various problems in computational electromagnetics in complex geometries (including plasma stability calculations).

During this Simons Collaboration effort, O’Neil will be at the center of developing fast algorithms and solvers required for the first principle calculations in stellarator optimization: e.g. plasma stability computations and evaluation of high-fidelity magnetic coil fields. These schemes will be based on various integral equation formulations of the associated PDEs, and will leverage recent advantages in the related scalable computational algorithms, such as the fast multipole method.

Previous to his faculty appointment, O’Neil was a Research Associate (’10-’12) and Courant Instructor at NYU (’12-’14). He is the recipient of a 2017 Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research.