Event Description
Title: Introduction to Quadratic Flux Minimizing Surfaces and Ghost Surfaces
Abstract: An introduction/tutorial on ghost surfaces (GS) and (weighted) quadratic-flux-minimizing (QFM) surfaces, perhaps better described as action-gradient-squared surfaces, and why QFM surfaces (without the "weight") are like snowflake fractals on a hot summer's day, and under what conditions ghost-surfaces and QFM surfaces coincide, and how these surfaces are isotherms of the anisotropic diffusion equation in the limit that \kappa_\perp approaches zero, and why don't we use perturbation theory to solve for the anisotropic diffusion equation by expanding about \kappa_\perp = 0.
Talk time in other timezones: AEDT 2:00 AM Fri 03 Mar, JST 12:00 AM Fri 03 Mar, CET 4:00 PM Thu 02 Mar, GMT 15:00 Thu 02 Mar, UTC 15:00 Thu 02 Mar, EST 10:00 AM Thu 02 Mar, CST 9:00 AM Thu 02 Mar, MST 8:00 AM Thu 02 Mar
Simons Foundation